Chapter 5 Summary

Key Terms

The willingess and ability of sellers to produce and offer to sell different quantities of a good at different prices during a specific time period.

Law of Supply: A law stating that as the price of a good increases, the quantity supplied of the good increases, and as the price of a good decreases, the quantity supplied of the good decreases.

Direct Relationship: A relationship between two factos in which the factors move in the same direction. For example, as one factor rises, the other rises, too.

Quantity Supplied: The number of units of a good priduced and offered for sale at a specific price.

Supply Schedule: A numerical chart illustrating the law of supply.

Supply Curve: A graph that shows the amount of a good sellers are willing and able to sell at various prices.

Technology: The body of skills and knowledge concerning the use of resources in production.

Advancement in Technology: The ability to produce more output with a fixed amount of resources.

Per-Unit Cost: The average cost of a good. For example, if $400,000 is spent to produce 100 cars, the average, or per-unit, cost is $4,000.

Subsidy: A financial payment made by government for certain actions.

Quota: A legal limit on the number of units of a foreign-produced good (import) that can enter a country.

Elasticity of Supply: The rlationship between the percentage change in quantity supplied and the percentage change in price.

Elastic Supply: The kind of supply that exists when the percentage change in quantity supplied is greater than the percentage change in price.

Inelastic Supply: The kind of supply that exists when the percentage change in quantity supplied is less than the percentage change in price.


Comprehension/Critical Thinking and Writing
Supply Schedule for Air-Tread shoes

Price (In Dollars)                  Quantity Supplied (units)

     $ 20                                                      20

     $ 40                                                      40

     $ 60                                                      60

     $ 80                                                      80

     $ 100                                                   100

            Supply Curve for Air-Treads 

Scenario: Company goes bankrupt and is unable to produce Air-Treads

Scenario: Resource prices increase.

Scenario: Technology advances.

Scenario: Taxes increase.

Scenario: Government provides subsidies to the manufacturer.

Scenario: The EU puts a quota on how many pairs of Air-Treads can be
sold in EU countries.  

Scenario: Price rises from $60 to $80.