Economy in the News

The current economic recession has been the talk of the news lately, as people point the blame back and forth they don't realize the economy will not get better until we work together. Democrats have empowered several different plans to combat the decline. But being stubborn as they always are, the Republicans stand to strong opposition to every Democratic plan calling it communist, or "Government Controlled." Most recently the Democrats had a Super Majority to which the republican vote no longer mattered. However, due to five Democrates switching sides the Democrats were set back again.
         Many people are yelling that the government should do something, and that the president should live up to his promises. But, whenever Obama tries to do anything to help, the same people claim the Government is trying to take over. It seems almost as if they expect the president to take out a magic wand, and fix everything while doing nothing. The Republicans and Democrates seem to have forgotten their duty to the people of the United States, and have lost themselves in constant arguments back and forth making the situation worse.
   In the end: the economy will only heal by the common american spending more, and getting more money to flow freely. Investing, shopping at small biusinesses, and spending money is the only way we can save the economy. I will post some links later that will lead to economics videos. 
              The first site will give you a look at each states economy at a glance.

This site give updates on the world economy.

This next site will take you to the Colbert Report, and its satirical humor may help you get interested in the economy:

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